* 100g de ovas de ouriços negros
* 1 colher (café) de cebola bem picada
* 50g de manteiga clarificada
* 100g de nata fresca
* 5 folhas de manjericão picadas
*1 colher (café) de açafrãoda terra de boa
qualidade(amarelo claro)
*1 colher (café) de sal
Aqueça uma frigideira antiaderente e coloque manteiga e cebola. Quando a
cebola começar a dourar, acrescente as ovas. Mantenha no fogo, mexendo com uma
colher de plástico por três minutos. Incorpore os ingredientes restantes, prove
o sal, retire a frigideira do fogo e deixe o patê resfriar. Sirva com torradas
ou pão francês.
Pode-se substituir as ovas de ouriços por ovas de polvo,
lulas, camarões ou peixe
Quente, é recheio de panquecas
Acrescido de pequenos cubos (bronoise) de batata inglesa,
doce, baroa ou pinhão, é recheio de peixes assados
Com mais creme de leite, pode ser utilizado como molho para
massas ou acompanhamento de peixes grelhados
Esta e outras receitas estão disponíveis no meu livro "A Cozinha do Bom Pescador"
Your car could be stolen if you don't keep this in mind!
ResponderExcluirImagine that your vehicle was taken! When you visit the police, they inquire about a particular "VIN check"
A VIN decoder is what?
Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out the date of the car's birth and the identity of its "parent" (manufacturing facility). You can also figure out:
1.Type of engine
2.Automobile model
3.The DMV's limitations
4.The number of drivers in this vehicle
You'll be able to locate the car, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be examined in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person's seat on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.
What happens if the VIN is intentionally harmed?
There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or being arrested by the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles or spend two years in prison. You might be stopped on the road by a teacher.
The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!